10 Effective Tips to Reduce Humidity in Dubai. Use A Dehumidifier.

10 Effective Tips to Reduce Humidity in Dubai.

Dubai is a prosperous city in the United Arab Emirates known for its hot and arid climate. The city experiences high temperatures and low rainfall throughout the year, with temperatures often reaching above 40 degrees Celsius during the summer months. Besides the high temperatures, Dubai also experiences high humidity levels, making maintaining a comfortable indoor climate challenging. Of course, using a dehumidifier as a humidity remover is the easiest solution. However, there are several other ways to reduce moisture in the air. In this blog, we will explore different moisture absorber materials.

Humidity is the amount of water vapor or content present in the air. The humidity level is measured as a percentage, with 100% indicating that the air is saturated with water vapor and 0% indicating that the air is dry. In Dubai, the humidity levels can range from 40% to 80%, depending on the time of year and weather conditions. The highest humidity levels are typically experienced during the summer when the temperature is at its highest.

High humidity levels can cause many problems for residents of Dubai. High humid air can make it feel hotter than it is, making it difficult to cool down and stay comfortable. High humidity can also cause mold growth, musty odors, and discomfort for residents. It can also cause damage to furniture and other household items, as well as cause respiratory problems such as allergies and asthma.

Why is there high humidity in Dubai?

High temperatures, low rainfall, and high humidity characterize Dubai’s hot desert climate. The city experiences hot summers, with temperatures often reaching above 40 degrees Celsius, and mild winters, typically around 25 degrees Celsius. The city also experiences low rainfall, with an average of only about 100 millimeters per year. It is essential to understand Dubai’s climate to know the humidity levels in this city.

In addition to the hot and arid climate, Dubai is also affected by a phenomenon known as the “urban heat island effect.” It occurs when urban areas, such as cities, are significantly warmer than countryside rural areas due to a large amount of concrete and asphalt, which absorbs and retains heat. It can contribute to the already high temperatures and humidity levels experienced in the city.

In conclusion, humidity in Dubai can be a challenge for residents. Still, it is possible to maintain a comfortable indoor climate by understanding the city’s atmosphere and taking the appropriate steps to control humidity. Residents can create a more comfortable and healthy indoor environment by monitoring humidity levels and taking actions such as using dehumidifiers, keeping indoor plants, sealing windows and doors, and using air conditioning.

Tip 1: Use a Dehumidifier as a moisture absorber.

A dehumidifier is one of Dubai’s most effective ways to control humidity. A dehumidifier is an electrical appliance designed to extract excess moisture from the air, helping lower humidity levels.

A dehumidification system works by drawing in air from the room, passing it through a refrigerant coil that cools the air, and then passing it through a desiccant material that acts as a moisture absorber. The dry air is then circulated back into the room while the condensate is collected in a reservoir or drained away through a hose.

Different types of humidity remover dehumidifiers are available on the market. Portable dehumidifiers are great for smaller spaces, such as bedrooms or bathrooms, while whole-house dehumidifiers can effectively reduce humidity levels throughout the home. Some dehumidifiers also have built-in air filters, which can help to improve indoor air quality.

Use a dehumidifier in UAE as a humidity remover.

When using a dehumidifier, it is important to regularly empty the reservoir or check the hose to ensure that the collected moisture is being drained away properly. It is also necessary to keep the dehumidifier machine clean and maintain it as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

It is also important to note that dehumidifiers are not a substitute for air conditioning. They are designed to remove moisture only, not to cool the air. However, we can use them with air conditioning to create a more comfortable and healthy indoor climate.

Overall, using a dehumidifier is an effective way to control moisture in Dubai. It can help to lower humidity levels, prevent mold growth, and improve indoor air quality. It is the most economical, quick, and efficient solution for maintaining a comfortable indoor climate in the city.

Tip 2: Keep Indoor Plants to use as a moisture absorbers.

Another effective way to reduce humidity is by keeping indoor plants. Indoor plants add beauty and freshness to the environment and are natural moisture absorbers inside a building.

Indoor plants can be a solution to regulate humidity levels. They work as natural dehumidifiers by taking in water through their leaves. Also, they release moisture through transpiration. It helps maintain a comfortable level of humidity and improves indoor air quality. Some plants are better than others for this purpose. Some plants that act as humidity extractors are Peperomia, Golden Pothos, English Ivy, Aloe Vera, Spider Plant, Lilac, Peace Lily, etc.

Plants naturally transpire. They release water vapor through tiny openings in their leaves called stomata. As the plants get water and nutrients through their roots, they release excess moisture through transpiration, which helps lower humidity levels.

The amount of moisture released by a plant depends on factors. Some elements are plant type, size, and humidity level in the room. But, some plants, like ferns, are more effective at reducing humidity than others. For example, the Boston fern is very effective in absorbing excess moisture, making it an ideal choice for homes and offices in Dubai. It is a model and low-cost humidity remover.

Indoor plants as moisture absorbers.

It is also important to note that indoor plants help improve indoor air quality by filtering pollutants and toxins from the air. They can also help to reduce stress and improve mental health.

When keeping indoor plants, it is vital to ensure that they are placed in an area where they can receive sufficient light and be watered appropriately. Overwatering can lead to mold growth, which can exacerbate humidity problems.

In summary, keeping indoor plants is an effective moisture absorber to reduce humidity levels inside Dubai’s homes, offices, hospitals, and industrial factories. It might not be as effective as a dehumidifier, but it is worth using. Not only do they help to lower humidity levels, but they also improve indoor air quality, reduce stress, and improve mental health. They are a natural and cost-effective solution for maintaining a comfortable indoor climate in the city.

Tip 3: Seal Windows and Doors to avoid infiltration of moisture and control humidity in homes in Dubai.

Dubai’s hot and humid climate can make maintaining a comfortable indoor environment challenging. One of the primary sources of indoor humidity is the infiltration of the outside air. By locking windows and doors, you can stop outside air from entering your home, which can help to lower humidity levels. Another critical tip to control humidity in Dubai is to seal windows and doors to prevent moisture infiltration.

We can do sealing of windows and doors in several ways. One of the most effective methods is by using weatherstripping. Weatherstripping is a flexible material applied to the edges of doors and windows to form a tight seal. It can be made of various materials, such as foam, rubber, or vinyl. Weatherstripping can help to reduce drafts and prevent the infiltration of outside air, which can help to lower humidity levels. This exercise will also help reduce the required capacity of the dehumidifier if you like to install it in the future.

Another way to seal windows and doors is by using caulking. Caulking is a sealant applied to the edges of doors and windows to fill gaps and cracks. It can help prevent drafts and the infiltration of outside air, which can help lower humidity levels.

Seal windows and doors.

It is also vital to ensure that windows and doors are correctly installed and fit snugly in their frames. Loose-fitting windows and doors allow outside air to infiltrate, contributing to higher humidity levels.

It is also beneficial to install window screens to keep out insects and dust while allowing fresh air to flow in. It will help maintain the indoor temperature and reduce the humidity levels.

In summary, sealing windows and doors is essential in controlling humidity. It will help reduce moisture levels, keep out dust and insects, and improve indoor air quality. By preventing the infiltration of outside air, you can lower humidity and create a more comfortable indoor environment. Weatherstripping and caulking are effective ways to seal windows and doors, and it is crucial to ensure that windows and doors are correctly installed and fit snugly in their frames.

Tip 4: Use Exhaust Fans to humidity extractor.

Using exhaust fans is an effective way to remove humidity and improve indoor air quality in Dubai. Exhaust fans are designed to draw moisture, heat, and stale air from a room, which can help to absorb water content and create a more comfortable indoor environment.

An exhaust fan is used in various building areas, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms. They are instrumental in bathrooms and kitchens because these areas are high moisture-generating areas. Exhaust fans can help to remove humidity generated by showers, baths, and cooking, which can help to lower humidity levels in these areas.

Exhaust fans work by drawing in moist air and expelling it outside the building. It helps to reduce the moisture levels in the room, and it also helps to improve indoor air quality by removing pollutants and odors. In short, it acts as an effective humidity remover.

Use an exhaust fan as a humidity extractor.

When selecting exhaust fans, choosing the right size for the room is essential. The size of the fan will depend on the size of the room. Also, it is affected by the amount of moisture generated in that area. Choosing the correct type of fan is crucial, such as an inline exhaust fan, ceiling exhaust fan, or wall exhaust fan. It is the same as choosing a suitable dehumidifier machine for a particular application.

A humidity sensor can also connect to exhaust fans. Thus, it can automatically turn the fan on and off depending on the humidity level in the room. It can help to maintain a consistent humidity level and save energy.

It is regularly cleaning the exhaust fan to keep it working efficiently. Dust and other particles can build up in the fan over time, reducing its efficiency and impacting indoor air quality.

In summary, using exhaust fans effectively as a moisture absorber improves indoor air quality in Dubai. Exhaust fans are significant contributors in high moisture-generating areas such as bathrooms and kitchens and can help to remove humidity generated by showers, baths, and cooking. Choose the right size and type of exhaust fan for the room and connect it to a humidity sensor for automatic control. If you use an exhaust fan, do not use a dehumidifier. Regular exhaust fan cleaning keeps it working efficiently and maintains indoor air quality.

Tip 5: Use Air Conditioning as a moisture extractor.

Besides cooling, air conditioning is one of Dubai’s most effective ways to control humidity. The hot and humid climate in UAE makes it tough to maintain a comfortable indoor environment, and air conditioning can lower moisture and create a more comfortable indoor environment. In other words, AC acts as a dehumidifier.

AC removes heat and dampness from the air, which helps lower humidity. The air conditioning system cools the air and eliminates the water content from the perspective through a process called dehumidification. The cooled and dehumidified air is then circulated back into the room, which helps to avoid a sticky atmosphere.

When selecting an air conditioning system, choosing the right size for the room is prime. ACs are the default moisture remover for the room. ACs are the default moisture remover for the room. The AC capacity will depend on the size of the room and the amount of moisture generated in that area. I am choosing the correct type of air conditioner, such as a window, split, or central air conditioner.

Use the air conditioner to reduce humidity in the home.

Maintaining the air conditioning system is also fundamental to ensure it works efficiently. Regular cleaning and maintenance can prolong the system’s life and improve efficiency. It includes cleaning or replacing the air filter, checking the refrigerant gas pressure, and ensuring that the ducts are clean and free of debris.

Using the air conditioning system correctly is also beneficial to get the maximum benefit. It includes setting the thermostat to the right temperature, using the proper fan speed, and running the system at the right time of day. For example, running the air conditioning system during the hot afternoon can help to use it as a moisture extractor and create a more comfortable indoor environment.

Air conditioning is one of Dubai’s most effective ways to control humidity. Air conditioning reduces heat, and it can perform as a humidity remover. When selecting an air conditioning system, choose the suitable capacity and type. Also, use the air conditioning system correctly to get the maximum benefit, such as running it during the hottest part of the day to lower humidity levels and create a more comfortable indoor environment.

Tip 6: Insulate Your Home.

Insulating your home is an effective way to control humidity in Dubai. Insulation helps to keep the hot and humid outdoor air out while keeping the cool and dry indoor air inside. Insulation works by creating a barrier between indoor and outdoor air. Thus, we can keep humidity levels in control to create a more comfortable indoor environment.

When insulating your home, focus on areas most susceptible to dampness. It includes the attic, walls, floors, and windows. In poorly insulated places, even a dehumidifier also cannot perform well.

Insulate your homes.

Attic insulation is significant for controlling humidity. The attic or loft is the house area most exposed to the hot and humid outdoor air. Insulating the attic can help to keep the hot and humid outdoor air out, which can help to lower humidity levels in the attic and the rest of the house.

Windows are another housing area exposed to the hot and humid outdoor air. Walls and floor insulation avoid leakage of indoor cold air. Hence, we can keep low humidity in the house.

In summary, insulating your home is an effective way to control humidity in Dubai. Insulation helps to keep the hot and humid outdoor air out while keeping the cool and dry indoor air. It can help to lower humidity levels and create a more comfortable indoor environment. When insulating your home, focus on areas most susceptible to humidity, such as the attic, walls, floors, and windows.

Tip 7: Use humidity-absorbing materials like Silica Gel.

Using humidity-absorbing materials is another effective way to control humidity. These materials work by absorbing excess moisture from the air, which can help to lower humidity levels and create a more comfortable indoor environment.

One common type of humidity-absorbing material is a dehumidifying agent. These agents are available in various forms, such as crystals, beads, and pellets. They work by absorbing moisture from the air, which can help lower the home’s humidity levels. Silica gel is the best dehumidifier for bathrooms.

Use a Silica pouch as a humidity-absorbing material.

Silica has the inherent property of sucking moisture. Another type of humidity-absorbing material is a silica gel bag. These bags are filled with silica material that can be placed in areas of the home susceptible to high humidity, such as closets, basements, and laundry rooms. On the same principle, large-capacity desiccant dehumidifiers are designed.

A third type of humidity-absorbing material is dampness-absorbing paint. This type of paint is formulated to absorb excess moisture from the air, which can help to lower humidity levels in the home. It is a costly humidity remover agent.

Tip 8: Keep Your Home Clean.

Keeping your home clean is a necessary aspect of controlling humidity in Dubai. A clean home is less likely to harbor mold, mildew, and other moisture-loving organisms that can contribute to high humidity levels.

Regular cleaning of your home can help to remove dust, dirt, and other debris that can accumulate in areas like carpets, curtains, and upholstery. These areas can be breeding grounds for mold and mildew if cleaned sparingly. Vacuuming, dusting, and regularly wiping surfaces can help prevent mold and mildew growth, which can help lower the home’s humidity levels. Also, dust-free space increases the life of electronic appliances like washing machines, microwaves, dehumidifiers, and dishwashers.

Keep home clean.

Keep the bathroom and kitchen clean, as these areas are particularly susceptible to high humidity. Scrubbing and sanitizing surfaces, such as sinks, toilets, and shower stalls, can help to remove bacteria, mold, and mildew, which can help to lower humidity levels in these areas. Consider using humidity remover silica pouches inside the bathroom.

Dust particles can accumulate in air ducts, making it difficult for air to circulate correctly. Hence, it can lead to high humidity levels in your home. Regular cleaning of air ducts can improve air circulation and lower humidity levels. Additionally, regularly clean the air ducts in your house clean.

Tip 9: Use a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels.

One of the most crucial steps in controlling humidity in Dubai homes is to monitor your home’s humidity levels. The most dehumidifier has an inbuilt hygrometer. A hygrometer is an electronic machine that measures the relative humidity in the air. Using a hygrometer, you can keep track of the humidity levels in your home and take steps to lower them if they are too high.

Check the humidity levels in your home regularly, especially during the hot and humid months. If the humidity level is above 60%, it’s time to take action to lower it. A hygrometer can also help you identify areas of your home with higher humidity levels, such as the bathroom or basement, so you can take steps to lower the humidity in those areas specifically. In these areas, use a moisture absorber agent.

Tip 10: Use a humidistat.

A humidistat is a device that controls humidity levels in the home. It makes a dehumidifier or humidifier automatically turn on and off as needed to maintain that level. It can be a more efficient and effective way to control humidity in Dubai, as it can help keep a consistent humidity level in your home without needing constant monitoring. A humidistat can also help prevent over-humidification, creating a conducive climate for mold and mildew growth.

Using a hygrometer and humidistat can be an effective way to monitor and control humidity. A hygrometer can help you track humidity levels and identify areas of your home with higher humidity levels. A humidistat can help to maintain a consistent humidity level in your home and prevent over-humidification.


Maintaining a comfortable indoor climate in Dubai can be challenging, especially during the hot and humid months. High humidity levels can cause discomfort and contribute to mold and mildew growth, harming health.

However, by following the tips outlined in this blog, you can take steps to control humidity in Dubai and maintain a comfortable indoor climate. These tips include using a dehumidifier, keeping indoor plants, sealing windows and doors, & using exhaust fans in addition, using air conditioning, insulating your home, using humidity-absorbing materials, & keeping your home clean to help control moisture. Monitor humidity levels with a hygrometer and control it with a humidistat.

Please note that humidity control is a continuous process, so it needs to monitor and adjust your strategies as needed regularly. By regularly monitoring and controlling humidity levels, you can help to maintain a comfortable indoor climate in Dubai and protect the health of your family and property.

In conclusion, controlling humidity in Dubai is essential for maintaining a comfortable indoor climate and protecting the health of your family and property. Following the tips mentioned in this blog, you can control humidity and maintain a relaxed indoor atmosphere in your home, office, hospital, or industrial factory. Regular monitoring and adjusting your strategies can keep your indoor environment comfortable and healthy.


What are some of the effects of high humidity in Dubai?

High humidity in Dubai can cause discomfort and contribute to mold and mildew growth, harming health. High humidity can also cause damage to wooden furniture and floors, as well as wallpaper and paint. High humidity can make it harder to cool down and create an environment more conducive to bacteria, viruses, and other harmful microorganisms. In Dubai’s climate, only a dehumidifier is an effective humidity remover.

What is a dehumidifier, and how does it work?

A dehumidifier is a device that removes moisture from the air. It works by passing in humid air and passing it through a refrigerant coil, which causes the water to condense and collect in a container. The dry air is then circulated back into the room. Dehumidifiers come in various sizes and designs; some are portable, while others are built-in. They are easy to operate and maintain and are ideal for controlling humidity in homes, offices, hospitals, and industrial factories.

How can indoor plants help to reduce dampness inside a home?

Indoor plants can help reduce moisture inside a home by absorbing water through their leaves and releasing oxygen into the air. It is the most economical moisture absorber. Plants also help to purify the air by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. They can be used as natural humidifiers and can help to avoid the use of artificial dehumidifiers.

How can sealing windows and doors help control a home’s humidity?

Sealing windows and doors can help control humidity in a home by preventing moisture infiltration from outside. When windows and doors are not correctly sealed, moisture can seep in from the outside, increasing the humidity inside the home. Filling these gaps can help to prevent this from happening and can help to keep the moisture inside the house at a more comfortable level.

What are the benefits of using exhaust fans?

Exhaust fans can help to remove humidity by drawing out moist air and bringing in fresh, dry air. They can be used in bathrooms, kitchens, and other home areas where moisture builds up. Exhaust fans can help reduce mold and mildew growth and can also help reduce unpleasant odors.

How can air conditioning help to control humidity in a home?

Air conditioning can help to control humidity in a home by removing moisture from the air as it cools the house. Air conditioners are designed to remove excess water from the air and cool the air. Thus, it can help to keep the humidity inside the home at a comfortable level and can also help to prevent the growth of mold and mildew.

What are some examples of humidity-absorbing materials?

Some examples of humidity-absorbing materials include silica gel, calcium chloride, and clay-based products. These materials can be placed in closets, basements, and other home areas where moisture builds up. They work by absorbing the excess moisture in the air, which can help to reduce the humidity inside the home. Desiccant dehumidifiers use the same inherent property of silica gel for dehumidification.